Frequently Asked Questions: (FAQ's)
A.) What is healing?
B.) How does healing work?
C.) What is Universal Healing?
D.) What should I expect from a Universal Healing?
E.) What is Reiki?
F.) What to expect from an astrology reading?
G.) What are chakras?
H.) What is your goal?
I.) What is your vision?
A.) "What is healing?"
Healing, most generally, is the psychic exchange and transfer of healing energy from the divine realm of spirit. Healing always is heavily dependent on the intention (people or profit?) and every person is capable of healing, albeit with their own unique, exclusive styles. We all have the ability to heal, and this skill can be improved with practice. By setting my intention for healing as guided by the Holy Spirit, I have the ability to address the core cause or issue behind a problem, release any energetic wounds or traumas, and completely heal, replace it with divine love of the divine; and the cosmos.
Healing is a visual and intuitive experience, it involves directing one’s consciousness to the divine to help guide the transfer of energy to the point that a healer is unconsciously skilled and does not need to think while healing- they just feel. Healing impulses are usually transported through the palm of the right hand, aimed in the direction of the part of someone healed, but also can simply be accomplished mentally- a very 'hands-free' approach. Most often in person, hands hovering over someone's energy centers is applicated. Healing cannot work unless both parties are open-minded to believe It’s real. If not, the flow of energy is blocked. thus the recipient literally unconsciously and psychically blocks out anything that would help them out. If both parties believe in healing, the process can be facilitated successfully with an effective practitioner with effects that are so profound that the results are most typically mind-blowingly startling, and shocking. The outcome of a healing is only authentic and fully healing with true profundity if healed with Universal Healing, our technique which I co-rediscovered with my mother, Cassandra Joan Butler- A 40+ year practicing astrology- also my loving friend.
B.) "How does healing work?"
Healing works by connecting to the divine and its unconditional love with the guide of the Holy Spirit to encode it with our consciousness for transmutation of this divine energy into pure healing energy which is ultimately transferred to a recipient to completely renew, reconfigure each part of your body, being, soul to become our most healthy, homeostatic perfect, selves aligned with spirit.
How a healing works- always starts with a belief that the healing can actually help, and a connection to Spirit, as the Holy Spirit acts as a guide so that we know exactly which part of the energy centers amidst our bodies are of most urgent, sequential need to direct our consciousness to it, enlaced with healing energy. The person wakes up to a brand new body, as their very essence has changed and thus their physical bodies do too.
Energy is emitted through the right hand, which passes by the various energy centers throughout the body, as I include the traditional root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, crown chakra- along with energy centers that correlate to astrological archetypes. The healing works with genuine intentions and a firm connection with Spirit, which can be practiced and improved over time.
C.) "What is Universal Healing?"
Universal Healing is an ancient, primordial healing technique spanning back several millenniums- rediscovered by my Mother Cassandra J. Butler; and further developed by Adam Godin.
Universal Healing is utilized to access unique astrological archetypes amidst the cosmos which correlate to energy centers throughout the body for a deep, thorough cleansing, purifying healing- with inspired divine psychic messages which include in-depth, intricate details- and unlike reiki, Universal Healing can be used to treat specific ailments. Reiki is simply a more broad healing that emphasizes 7 main chakras, [Root chakra, Sacral chakra, Solar Plexus, Heart chakra, Throat chakra, Third eye chakra, crown chakra] less than half as many as the 15 archetypes Universal Healing evokes. [Includes Ceres, Pallas Athena, Vesta, & Chiron archetypes).
Thus, we receive over twice as many details with extreme profundity with messages- twice as healing. Universal Healing is used by connecting with the divine with the power of the Holy Spirit (without religious connotations) to tap into the unconditional love of the cosmos to transmute this into pure, divine love healing.
The difference after a healing- can feel quite shocking! The unmistakable feeling of a Universal Healing leaves the patient with a sense of peace, clarity, insight, inspired and calm.
Existing ailments can be treated with Universal Healing; or the technique can be used to simply maximize the manifestation power of a human, so that they can attract and attain all if their wildest, hopes, wishes, dreams, with exceptionally surprising ease.
Universal Healing outcomes, messages are mind-blowingly consistent and uncanny.
Prepare to open your eyes to a new body!
D.) "What to expect from a healing?"
For an hour session/treatment, (relative to what time is chosen) Adam Godin will guide a 5-7 min. guided meditation, with nature sounds in the background.
Afterwards Godin will directly work on your chakras/energy centers for the duration of the healing with nothing but silence and relaxation while closing your eyes in a comfortable setting/environment. Upon waking, if desired, Adam can tell you what psychic messages that he picked up on along with meaningful guidance and counsel.
The experience is extremely relaxing and transformative- with results that consistently provide profundity, clarity, insight. <3
Try for yourself, and never be the same, but forever changed.
E.) "What is reiki?"
Reiki is used in conjunction with my healing- a technique originating in Japan, developed during the early 20th century. Reiki is used to cleanse the Root chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus, Heart chakra, Throat chakra, Third Eye chakra, and Crown chakra; while all energies that do not serve the us are released and replaced with divine light, pure healing, loving energy. Reiki can be uncomplicated whereas Universal Healing is highly complex and requires a behemoth amount of energy!
Universal Healing is used to utilize 15 archetypes as opposed to only 7 for reiki- this means over twice as much profundity, clarity, insights- with meaningful psychic messages, delicate counsel with supremely profound outcomes. <3
F.) "What to expect from an astrology reading?"
I have been studying astrology for 27 years. For the reading, I will expertly guide you along your ethereal journey of self-discovery and illuminate the nature of your fate, future so that the present is more navigatable. I will describe your personality to a T and reveal truths about yourself you may had never considered.
I will ask for your birthdate, birthyear, location of birth, and time- if available. If not- that's okay! We can do a solar chart for when the ascendent was in the sign of Aries. Solar charts add context, yet not quite as nuanced- but powerful and sincerely predictive the same.
I use Pallas Athena, Chiron, Vesta, Ceres in my readings- meaningful, significant major asteroids that most other practicing astrologers gloss to the side- yet extremely relevant and powerfully impactful.
I can tell you nearly anything about yourself and how the current astrological 'weather' is affecting you so that we can prepare for life's conditions, prepare for predicting the future. I can also do a progressed chart to see how your soul is doing- NOW!
It'll be an honor to work with you and reveal secrets about yourself in excessive detail to transform yourself into the best manifestation of yourself possible. <3
-Adam Godin.
G.) "What are chakras?"
Chakras most typically refer to energy centers which are spread sporadically throughout the body that receive, transmit energy between ethereal realms and the temporal for the purpose of maximal divine healing.
There are parts of our bodies which contain these chakras that are activated uniquely while containing unique functions and interrelated with other unique psychic disturbances.
In-person the healer hovers their right hand over these energy centers while transmuting unconditional love of the cosmos into pure healing energy to exit the palms and enter the recipient's chakras- ie: energy centers. This allows for a transfer of energy between the divine and the mundane world which transcends any possible healing technique which deals merely with the world of the senses. In Reiki, classically the predominant chakras are thought to be the Root chakra, Sacral chakra, Solar plexus, Heart chakra, Throat chakra, Third eye chakra, and Crown chakra. There is never healing in private areas during a treatment.
H.) "What is your goal?"
My goal and mission is to unite Humanity together under the common, mutual belief of An Unconditional Love For Humanity, including loving all humans as if they are our own family, to see all strangers as brothers and sisters. This requires Love and respect, cohesion and unity, tolerance and mutual understanding- to fulfill our ultimate destiny of unity.
To accomplish this goal of unity, it is my goal to inspire education and disseminate ideas to understand how we can collectively spiritually progress while putting in the necessary work in to achieve this desired outcome.
By discovering and healing ourselves- we are able to teach, heal others for a safer, more loving, more nurturing world.
My goal is to be a leader of the 21st century to set the groundwork for future generations so that we can all follow this one fundamental tenant of having Unconditional Love for all humans as a united family. We will be able to accomplish exceptional, phenomenal accomplishments that better Humanity with explosive innovation and ingenuity at a rapid rate.
Together, we are unstoppable, and that is my goal for me- so that I can lead the world to facilitate profound change which will always improve the world for the better.
-Adam Godin.
I.) "What is your vision?"
My vision is an improved, ideal, virtuous world and society where we treat each other all as brothers or sisters. My vision is a world of increased efficiency and morale in the workplace, fueled by a common vision of love.
My vision is that the Human Race abides by the principle of An Unconditional Love For Humanity in a world where strangers truly love each other and accept each other fully as brothers or sisters.
My vision is that of a better, more grateful, happier world, where we all live our lives through the framework of mutual love- making the world a better place to live forever while accomplishing the impossible, conquering all of our wildest hopes, desires, dreams, and imaginations. <3
With Unconditional Love,
-Adam Godin.
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Join Maris Lambie of Buffalo in New York State, Lauren Murray of British Columbia in Canada, & Titania Fae of France- now- by booking on our "contact us tab". I can't wait to meet you! -AG <3
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